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  • Writer's pictureDiana

If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life

After I won Miss Finger Lakes 2018, Miss Finger Lakes 2019 seemed so far away. But in just four months, I will pass on my first MAO title. And over the past eight months, so much has happened.

When I look back on my year, I remember spending a lot of time volunteering and preparing for Miss NY. Time went by so quickly and before I knew it, the end of my reign was and is coming to a close. But, when Miss NY ended, everything was different because I graduated college in May. It was time to find an "adult" job.

It may seem like I have been MIA on my blog for the past few weeks, but finding a "big girl" job was a priority, especially since it didn't look like Ellen Degeneras would help fund my pageant I studied media and communication in college and unfortunately, finding a job in this field is very difficult. I was offered jobs out of state and turned them down because of a "woman's intuition"..for a lack of better word.

That intuition was right, because I was offered a job at the Alzheimer's Association in Rochester, NY! My year of service as Miss Finger Lakes opened up so many opportunities, including my partnership with the Association as a volunteer. I wished that I would have the opportunity to work for them one day and I had no idea that dream would come true so soon. I am living out my platform and honoring my grandmother every day. And because of that, I am so thankful to have this opportunity.

I devoted so much time and effort into preparing to be the best Miss Finger Lakes I could be. But over the past month, it was my goal to find a job that I absolutely loved. And I have to believe, that having an "adult job" makes me a better Miss, Miss Finger Lakes and I know it has and will continue to make me a better version of myself.

Over the past month, I was forced to make some important life decisions and I am so thankful to have amazing family and friends who support me every step of the way! I have some exciting things planned in October and I can't wait to share new developments with my platform and what will come next in my journey!

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