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  • Writer's pictureDiana

The time is now

I grew up in a town with a population of approximately 6,000 people. Yesterday, Hilton, NY lost an 18 year old female who was my friend and coworker. This week, America said goodbye to a fashion icon whose name ended up in the hands of so many women. Shortly after, we mourned the passing of an American celebrity chef.

These losses are so unfortunate and I send my condolences to their friends and families. We will mourn their passing, but we will always remember their accomplishments, the things they did to make us laugh and we will think of them always.

Time spent with friends and family is so important. It might just be one of the most important things we do. But time is so precious. We all have so much time, but you never know when it will run out. As we remember those who have passed, I hope their legacy reminds us all that we must cherish the time we have.

I want to encourage you to contact a friend you have been thinking about. Send your high school BFF a snapchat and reach out to those who you think of often but hesitate to communicate with. Try to not be afraid of what exists outside of your comfort zone because the unknown will allow you to experience growth.

There is no better time to celebrate each other than at this moment.

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